Make Windows Vista Shut Down Faster as Never Before

When you first install Windows Vista shutdown time is not really a big problem but after a while it will be slower. With a registry trick, you can decrease the amount of time Windows Vista waits for a service to stop, and make Windows faster.

1. Open Registry Editor: go to the Start Menu, and type regedit in the Search bar.Then press Enter.

2. Navigate to [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l]

3. Edit the "WaitToKillServiceTimeout"="20000" by right clicking on the key and selecting Modify.

By default, the setting is at 20000 milliseconds (20 seconds.) Remember that the default setting are the safest settings for your computer.

If you make this value smaller there is some risk involved. You can lower it in 4 seconds increments to see what is the best value that works for you.