Windows Mobility Center - adjust laptop settings

Windows Mobility Center in Windows 7 is a very useful tool. You can easily adjust all the settings related to your laptop or Tablet PC. Several options and settings which you can customize include Brightness, Volume, Battery Status, Wireless Network, Screen Rotation, External Display, Sync Center setting.

How to Open Windows 7 Mobility Center

The Mobility Center .exe file is located at C:\Windows\System32\mblctr.exe

Click the Start Menu --> type mblctr.exe in the box --> press Enter --> then open it quickly to Click an icon to open options for the setting.
Or you can also use the Windows key + X key to open.

Notes: Windows Mobility Center is only available on laptops.

If you find the wireless connection icon is gone in Windows Mobility Center, your wireless card might be disabled. In the case enable it. Or the driver is missing.