Add your Photo In Gmail - Let the world see you.

Gmail lets you to add your photo to your profile in Gmail. Doing this will send your picture to your friends and they can see you often.
But for your friend to see your picture he has to choose to display the picture of your chioce in the contacts. This is on by default. But he can choose to display a picture of his pick, and if he is doing that he will not see you.

Gmail will show your picture when he hovers over your mail giving your friend a quick glance of you smiling. But on account of 'internet borne diseases' like fake pictures through morphing and related issues, its not always very safe to give your picture to everyone. But you can always have some picture in that place of your picture. Why dont you try giving a picture of a small scenery as your photo..? But you cannot post a very big picture. Only a thumpnail size of 96x96 is allowed. Still it is really good to ahve some picture instead of a blank ghost picture which gmail automatically adds.

To add your picture go to the settings. On the very first page there is a picture link. Clicking that opens a window with an optional browser. Open the browser and open a picture. Gmail will then give you an option to crop your image. Do that if needed and save then save your picture. You are done.

Remember not to use pictures that is copyrighted, or that contain adult content or even those of celebrities ( unless you are on of them ! ).
