Android 2.0.1, Release 1 is available

Android 2.0.1 is a minor platform release deployable to Android-powered handsets starting in December 2009. This release includes minor API changes, bug fixes and framework behavioral changes.


If you have installed Android 1.6 or later SDK packages with Eclipse, you can update your Android SDK using the Android SDK and AVD Manager.

Click Window on Eclipse top menu, select Android SDK and AVD Manager.

Select Available Packages on the left and select the components you want to update, and click Install Selected.

Click to select Accept All and click Install Accepted.

Wait for Installing, then restart Eclipse.

After Eclipse restarted, click Window -> Preferences, and click Android on the left. You will be asked to update ADT to the latest version.

To update ADT, click Help -> Check for Updates in Eclipse.

The list of Updates will be come out soon. Select All and click Next, and then Finish.

Accept the Security Warning by clicking OK.

And finally accept Restart Eclipse again.

That's All.