Android 3.0 is currently out, before the exposure of 3.5 and 4.0 of the operating system, Android 4.0 will continue to use Google in the past the naming convention, using the 26 alphabetical order is also a dessert with the names, the current 4.0 is 3.5Honeycomb and Ice Cream 3.0Gingerbread follow-up version.  Android naming it
Android 1.0 and 1.1 is not perfect, then what Google has not given the code name dessert, but the view from below
1.5 Cupcake
1.6 Donut
2.0 ~ 2.1 Eclair
2.2 Froyo
3.0 Gingerbread
3.5 Honeycomb
4.0 Ice Cream
So the next version will be the beginning of J it  may be the Juice.