The Best Forward I Ever Received

Forwarding mails is so popular because forwarding is a easy thing to do and it gives the reciever a feeling that he is being remembered. You get everything from News to Technology to Pictures to Information and the long list of forwards goes even up to first aid tips...

To be honest, I hate forwards... I usually tell my friends not to send me forwards unless they think that I should read it. But I read all the mails that I recieve, out of the fear of missing out some useful information and I recieve more forwards in a day than regular mail. Last day this forward struck my head.. maybe because everything written in there was absolultely correct. So I thought of putting it here. Here it goes ...

I want to thank all my friends and other unknown people who haveforwarded chain letters to me in 2003, 2004 & 2005 and 2006.Because of your kindness:

I stopped drinking Coca-Cola after I found out that it's good only forremoving toilet stains.

I stopped going to the movies for fear of sitting on a needle infectedwith AIDS

I smell like a wet dog since I stopped using deodorants because theycause cancer.

I also stopped answering the phone for fear that they may ask me todial a stupid number and then I get a phone bill from hell with callsto Uganda , Singapore and Tokyo.

I also stopped drinking water outside for fear that I will get sickfrom the rat shit and urine.

I also donated all my savings to the Amy Bruce account. A sick girlthat was about to die in the hospital about 7,000 times. (Poor girl!she's been 7 since 1993
My free Nokia phone never arrived and neither did the free passes for apaid vacation to Disneyland.

Made some Hundred wishes before forwarding those Dalai Lama, GaneshVandana, Tirupathi Balaji pics etc..Now most of those "Wishes" are already married (to someone else)!You can add your own notes based on your similar experience and sendthem to your friends.

If ORKUT deletes my account, it doesn't matter BUT PLEASE DON'T SEND me"Orkut is deleting accounts: Due to sudden rush..." Otherwise I'lldelete my ORKUT account!

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you do not send this e-mail to at least 913760people in the next 10 seconds, a bird will shit on your head today at11:30
Give me a break!!
--- end of message ---
If you have your own additions give them here. All the credis of this forward goes to the origional person who wrote it first. ( If you are reading this do not leave without telling us that..ok ). Thanks to my friend Bharat for sending me this.. lol

And if you forward this to 10 of your friends within 10 minutes, you will recieve a 1000 dollar bill at 10.00 am tomorrow... ha ha
