Chat Right Inside G-mail

I have already mentioned that G-mail is the best web-based free e-mail service. As you might know we can chat right inside G-mail. The chat applet loads while the inbox is loading and connects itself to the chat server so that you can know when your contacts are online. When they come online you can chat with them right from there.

In Gmail the chat applet is present at the left bar below the labels ( or just above it if you have configured to do so in the settings ). That applet shows some of the contacts of you. ( In the settings you can choose the number of contacts to display ). Those ones whom you have chosen to display always will always be there. The remaining gaps will be filled by your frequent contacts.

To always display a purticular contact in the applet hover over the contact and you will get a popup. In that at about the right bottom corner you have display options where you can choose form : Auto , Always and Never. If the required contact is not there in the chat applet go to the contacts and just after their name there is an option to change the settings of display. Choose 'always' to see that contact always.

When a contact comes online ( and If he/she has signed in to chat ) his status will be displayed as online by a green bulb near his name. He can choose to diplay it as red if he chooses his status as busy. When the green bulb is lit you can chat with him by just moving your mouse to that contact and clicking 'chat' on the popup which then appears. It does not take time to load a chat applet. Its already there. A small window insantly appears where you can start chatting.

This chat facility is available only if you have choosen the G-mail view as 'Standard with chat'. This can be seen at the bottom of the inbox and just above the program policies link.

Choosing the 'Standard with chat' loads the chat applet every time you log in to your inbox. So this takes more time. Also the connection to server might get lost frequently if you are using a dial up connection. So dial up users will have to sacrifice the speed and it takes long to lead even a mail.

So if you are not intrested in chatting and is a dialup user its better to use the 'Standard without chat' or 'basic html' view. This will make checking mails more enjoyable.

G-mail have also provided users with a facility to record the chat's This is something which is not available with all chat programs. To record your chats you have to say it to do so in the settings. If you have choosen to record the chats the chats will be stored in the chat link which is found below the inbox link in the left part of the page. Every chat is recorded step wise along with time.

Its good to check your settings atleast once in 3 months. Remember that G-mail is still in the beta state. So they are adding more and more features to it. If you keep checking your settings you wont miss any of their new features.

Actually this was intended for non G-mail users. If you are not using G-mail yet, let me welcome you to G-mail. I had already put an article on G-mail. Read that too.
But to sign up to g-mail you need and invitation. If you are intrested and is looking for an invitaion send me a mail at : I will send you one ( Remeber, I got limited invitations remaining.. about 94 only ).

Again welcome to G-mail, the best web-based free email service.
