Configure Eclipse to work with local cvs server

In previous article, Setup cvs server on Ubuntu, I described how to setup cvs server. In this article, I will describe how to setup Eclipse to work with the local cvs server.

OS: Ubuntu 9.04
Eclipse version: 3.5 Galileo, with CVS installed.

Firstly, open your project and switch to CVS Perspective
Click the Eclipse Menu Bar Window > Open Perspective > Other...

Select CVS Perspective Expoloring

Right click on the empty are of CVS Perspective wiindow,
select New Perspective Location

Enter the setting:
Host: localhost
Repository path: /myrepos
User: cvsuser
Password: ********
Connection Type: pserver
Use the default port

Click Finish

Switch back to java Perspective

Right click project, select Team > Share Project...

Use existing repository location:
and click Next

Accept the default setting, click Next

And click Finish

Enter your comment and click Finish

Now, your Eclipse project is linked with your local CVS sserver.