Establish Paired Devices and Make Connections Without Confirmation On Your Mobile

Every time a bluetooth connection is to be made, a request is made into the recievers phone. This can be very irritating if large number of files have to sent one by one. Instead you can establish the other device as a paired device [ and you become the pair for the second device ]. The process to Establish pair device in Nokia 7610 is discussed here. It must work on other phones too...

* In your Nokia phone go to connectivity and take Bluetooth.
* Press right arrow to enter the 'Paired devices' section.
* Select Options and choose ' New paired device ' . Then the phone searches for devices in its surroundings. The Bluetooth in the second device must be turned on so as to be detected by the first one.
* From the list that appears select the second device.
* The Mobile asks for a passcode. Key in some number. Now a request is sent to the second device. When the second device asks for the passcode enter the same code as entered in the first.
* Now the devices are paired. It will appear in the paired devices list.
* Choose this device and press options.
* From the options menu select ' Set as authorised ' and press ' yes '.

Now data can be sent to your phone without your confirmation. If you have to send data to the second device that one must make you authorised.

Note that fully authorised pairing can be risky. As files will be sent without your knowledge your device becomes open to virus attacks from the second one. Authorise only if you are sure that its safe.
