Guidelines For the Safe Use of Mobile Phones

It is said that the extensive use of mobile phones can cause health realted problems. Even if it has no experimental proof or evidence, its always safe to prevent than to cure. Studies have shown negative effects on rats but it will take time to know what will be the effect on human beings. This is because it takes atleast 10 years to show some effect. Mobile phones have become so popular only in the recent days and only a few people have been using it over 5 years.

Here are some tips which when followed keeps all the negative effects to the minimum ( if it has any !)

  1. Use Headsets like bluetooth headsets or handsfree headsets. Bluetooth headsets are expensive but handsfree is cheap. If you have one you can keep your mobile phone away from your body and stay protected.
  2. Do not speak continuously for more than a hour even while you use headset. While you are speaking over the phone the voice is heard directly to the ears. This is not good for the ears. Take breaks between conversations. You can use the loudspeaker for long talks.
  3. Its assumed that the readiation depends on the mobile phone you are using. If your phone is creating a burning sensation on your ears, try using a different mobile.
  4. People with pacemakers are strictly adviced to stay away from mobile phones. Life is much important than a mobile. You can always find a landline wherever you go. If you have one do not place it in near your heart.
  5. Kids Below 5 years of age must not be allowed to use mobile phones. Its believed that the readiation from mobile phones destroy the cells of the brain. For kids those cells are in the undeveloped state. So the effect will be more for kids than a grown up.
  6. Do not talk with the phone when the phone is plugged in for a recharge.
  7. Do not press the phone closely to your ears.
  8. Do not use your mobile phone if the network coverage is too low. When the network coverage is low the phone maintains the connection by increasing the frequency of the waves.
  9. Do not place the mobile phone close to your head while you sleep. Keep it at a safe distance ( in case you have an alarm ) or at a distance.
  10. If you feel irritated or feel like vomitting out of use of mobile phones, seek medical advice.
  11. Experts advice to use your left ear while using a mobile phone. Its said that the cells in the right part of the brain are more prone to damage than those on the left part.

If you use your mobile for less than 2 hours a day and do not carry it in your pockets or close to your body for too long, you are believed to be in the safe-zone.