Hold down shift key while clicking on links and get them opened in a new window

The internet is a collection of links placed in a logical order. Every webpage links to some other page. There is no standalone existance for a webpage and it has to either link to another page or has to have a link poiniting to that page.
We navigate through the internet using these links. But while moving forward you must be wishing to have the first page intact. If you wish to open the resulting page in a new window here are some methods of doing that.

1. Right click the link and choose 'open in new window'
2. Right click the link and choose 'copy link address'. Paste it in a new window and press enter.
3. Holdon shift key while clicking the link and you can get the link opened in a new window.

If you are a website owner or a blogger, you wouldnt want to distract away readers from your blog or website. If you wish to open you links in a new window do this.

Here is how the code for a link will look like.
<a href="http://computer-help-tips.blogspot.com/" >milliOn cluEs</a>
This will open the page in the same window.

Add - target="_blank" along with this so that the code looks like
<a href="http://computer-help-tips.blogspot.com/" target="_blank" >milliOn cluEs</a>
This will make this link open in a new window.

The same can be applied to the form buttons that appear on your page.
For eg :
Adding target="_blank" along with
<FORM action=http://www.blogger.com/login-comment.do method=post >
can make the form action to happen in a new page so that it would look like
<FORM action=http://www.blogger.com/login-comment.do method=post target="_blank">

Doing similar modifications to the code will help your readers from the trouble of going back to the previous page to continue reading your blog.
Good luck!
