How to Parallel Computers

 There are different levels of parallelism to consider, such as bit level, instruction level, data and task parallelism. Different types of parallelism have varied purposes, depending on whether they are multi-core, multi-processor, stand-alone or networked computers. Parallelism is often confused with clusters and grid computers, which are multiple computers designed to work on the same task -- as opposed to sharing individual computer resources, such as processor or memory.

1). Identify the hardware attributes of your computers. Take an inventory of all the pieces of equipment, including computers, that you will possibly be using in your parallel configuration. Note all the attributes of a particular device, include its processing power, type, disk capacity and memory.

2). Choose the levels of parallelism required for your situation. The parallelism may operate at more than one level, including bit-level, instruction level, data, or be task-oriented.
3). Design an infrastructure. Once you have an inventory of the equipment, you should know the compatibility of components, and have an idea about the levels of parallelism required. You can then commence to draft an infrastructure of hardware and software to fulfill the objectives required. 

4). Employ resources. Setting up a complex parallel infrastructure will require the expertise of programmers, designers, business management, consultants and other experts necessary for the specific business situation.

5). Implement the parallel infrastructure using a project plan. It is likely that this kind of setup will take many weeks or months to complete, depending on the size of the project. Therefore, it should be properly managed and carried out in stages.