Part 1 - Dynamic internet connection type.
1. Open your browser and type in to the address.
2. Login window will ope, Type-in your Admin user name and password. Default is admin/1234.
3. TP-LINK home page will open. First thing you need to do is setup the internet connection (DSL or a cable internet connection).
4. Go to the Network >> WAN, from the “WAN connection Type:” choose what your Internet Service Provider (ISP) gave you. Common types are Dynamic IP, Static IP, PPPoE. Easiest type is the “Dynamic IP”
5. Choosing “Dynamic IP” connection type would automatically try connecting the router to your ISP and starting Obtaining IP address.
6. Click Save after it obtaining IP address.
7. Check your computer and see if you have internet connection running.
Sometime you have to Release and Renew IP address once in a while.