iPhone 4 vs. Samsung Galaxy S II Pre-Order: Apple Loses

It would appear that Apple’s iPhone 4 has a battle on its hands in Korea, this is according to the pre-order sales figures for the Samsung Galaxy S II.
It is claimed that the Samsung Galaxy S II had nearly 200,000 pre-orders across all 3 of Korea’s major carriers between Monday, April 25th and the handset’s launch in its homeland on Friday, April 29th. The majority of the pre-orders (160,000) were with the country’s largest carrier SK Telecom.
Now compared with 110,000 pre-orders of the Apple iPhone 4 in the month of August just before its release, this could be considered as a win for Samsung. However, as with the USA the iPhone was confined to only one carrier at that time, which no doubt had an effect on the overall sales figures for the device.
The plan by Samsung, as indicated by Electronista coming to us via Phandroid, is to get 10 million Galaxy S II’s in customers’ pockets by the end of this year, this is the same figure that they received for the original Galaxy S smartphone. Whilst, this number sounds huge, it is quite modest when compared to the 18.65 million iPhones that Apple shipped last winter.
The Samsung Galaxy S II could be a major contender to its rivals this Summer. Which device do you prefer the Apple iPhone 4 or the Samsung Galaxy S II?