Legendary 'Shumi' Bids GoodBye

The all time grand prix legend Michael Schumacher says good bye to the official Formula 1 races but only after adding 7 world championships into his dashboard. His 30 year long career ended yesterday when he completed 4th in the 2006 Formula 1 championship in which Fernando Alonso was the champion ( second one in his career. First championship last year.) . His retire was taken to the hearts of millions of his fans with tears in their eyes yet with a sweet smile in their faces.

In his 30 year long career 'Shumi', as he is called by his fans, have added 7 world chamionships with 91 race wins and innumerable and unbeatable world records. His career brought Team Ferari back as the world leader. Ferari had fallen deep down and its only with the arrival of Schumacher in 1996 they started winning titles, that too after long 21 years.

The legend never dies. He still lives as the best racer of his time in the hearts of millions and millions of his fans. Never will such a legend come again in Formula 1. Shumi is simply the best.
