MDGx HOSTS Files + Tools

The HOSTS file can be used to block adware, spyware, malware, viruses, trojans, worms + popups in all your ftp/web browsers/tools and internet/network tools by denying access to a list of internet domains/servers/web sites.

Here are my HOSTS files (updated frequently = August 25 2008) with > 128,900 host name entries:

My HOSTS files are NOT available for the moment
because my web site provider added server
anti-virus scripts which block some IPs inside
my HOSTS pointing to virus/worm web sites.
FYI: HOSTS are harmless, plain text files.

Please e-mail me to obtain these files.
Thanks for your patience.

MDGx HOSTS Files = Automated EXE Installers:

    Download + install 1 of these 2 automated/unattended installers executables:
    • HOSTS0.EXE [700 KB] = all local computer IP entries in this HOSTS file point to 0 (null = abbreviated) [faster].
    • HOSTS127.EXE [720 KB] = all local computer IP entries in this HOSTS file point to (localhost = loopback) [slower].

    You may need to be logged on with Administrative/Power User privileges to be allowed to copy/delete/install/move/rename/replace/uninstall files/folders!

    Both HOSTS0.EXE + HOSTS127.EXE copy the new HOSTS file to:

    • %windir% = Windows 95/98/ME
    • %windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC = Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008
    %windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS [95/98/ME + 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008] or C:\WINNT [NT4/2000].
    Your original HOSTS file (if any) will be backed up (renamed) as HOSTS.ORI .
    Both HOSTS0.EXE + HOSTS127.EXE also install a new URL shortcut to %windir%\HOSTS.HTM, which displays MDGx HOSTS Files, Guides + Tools (this web page).
    How to run this shortcut:
    Start button -> Programs -> MDGx -> "MDGx HOSTS Files & Guides & Tools".

    How to remove MDGx HOSTS file + restore your original HOSTS file from HOSTS.ORI (if any):
    Start button -> Settings -> Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs -> select "Remove MDGx HOSTS + Restore Original HOSTS" -> click Add/Remove button.

    Both HOSTS0.EXE + HOSTS127.EXE can be opened and their contents can be extracted/viewed using any unZIPping tool that supports the ZIP format [most are free(ware)].

    Both HOSTS0.EXE + HOSTS127.EXE created with MakeSFX.exe ZIP self-extractor command line tool for all 32-bit Windows (Win32) editions [free, open source].

MDGx HOSTS Files = ZIP Archive:

    Download HOSTS.ZIP [1.3 MB, ZIPped] + extract its files.
    You need an unZIPping tool to extract files from ZIP archives [most are free(ware)].
    HOSTS.ZIP contains 2 HOSTS files:
    • HOSTS0 = all local computer IP entries in this HOSTS file point to 0 (null = abbreviated) [faster].
    • HOSTS127 = all local computer IP entries in this HOSTS file point to (localhost = loopback) [slower].

    You may need to be logged on with Administrative/Power User privileges to be allowed to copy/delete/install/move/rename/replace/uninstall files/folders!

    How to install 1 of the HOSTS files from HOSTS.ZIP:

    1. Use 1 of the included DOS style BATch files:
      • HOSTS0.BAT = backs up your original HOSTS (if any) to HOSTS.ORI and then copies HOSTS0 (renamed as HOSTS) to:
        • %windir% = Windows 3.1x/95/98/ME
        • %windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC = Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008
        %windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS [3.1x/95/98/ME + 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008] or C:\WINNT [NT/2000].
      • HOSTS127.BAT = backs up your original HOSTS (if any) to HOSTS.ORI and then copies HOSTS127 (renamed as HOSTS) to:
        • %windir% = Windows 3.1x/95/98/ME
        • %windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC = Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008
        %windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS [3.1x/95/98/ME + 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008] or C:\WINNT [NT/2000].
    2. Or if you prefer to do this by hand:
      You MUST rename either HOSTS0 [faster] or HOSTS127 [slower] to HOSTS (no file extension):
      • Right-click on the one you want in Windows Explorer (%windir%\EXPLORER.EXE), File Manager [FM = %windir%\WINFILE.EXE (Win3.1x/95/98/ME) or %windir%\SYSTEM32\WINFILE.EXE (WinNT/2000/XP/2003)] or similar tool -> select Rename -> type HOSTS (case insensitive = upper case works same as lower case).
      • Or run one of these DOS commands from within the directory/folder where they reside:



        REN HOSTS127 HOSTS

      After that, copy this new HOSTS file (overwritting the existing one, if any) to:

      • %windir% = Windows 3.1x/95/98/ME
      • %windir%\SYSTEM32\DRIVERS\ETC = Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008
      %windir% = usually C:\WINDOWS [3.1x/95/98/ME + 2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008] or C:\WINNT [NT/2000].
      If using Windows NT4/2000/XP/2003/Vista/2008 you may also need to copy this new HOSTS file (overwritting the existing one, if any) to %windir%\SYSTEM32\DLLCACHE .
      It is recommended to •FIRST• backup your original HOSTS file (if any).

    HOSTS.ZIP also contains HOSTS.HTM, which you can run to display MDGx HOSTS Files, Guides + Tools (this web page).

Useful HOSTS tools I recommend [100% free(ware)]:

    • HostTool 0.04 command line DOS console tool for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 queries all DNS servers listed in HOSTS file, detects + lists invalid ones, highly customizable [32 KB].
    • Connection IP (CIP) Checker 5.00 SR6 for Windows 9x/NT4/2000/ME/XP/2003 queries all DNS servers listed in HOSTS file and deletes invalid ones [186 KB].
    • Windows + DOS HOSTS Tools: HostTool, CIP, DEDUPE [for DOS] + MSORT [for DOS] [184 KB].