No Beep, No Video Display, and Fan Spins Erratically

This computer showed no video display, no beep, and as observed the cpu fan spins erratically. The problems seem complicated and our instincts tell us. This Compaq Presario SR1000V had not been used for about five months because of this problem.

Troubleshooting this type of computer problem does require a lot of patience specially that you are not hearing any beeps and seeing no display. You might want to suspect problems with the video card, RAM, power supply unit, or the motherboard itself. Proper troubleshooting procedure and technique, troubleshooting safety, and documentation must be observed so that you may be able to solve the problem quick, systematic, and efficient.

The procedure done below is a very good example on how a computer troubleshooting procedure should be done correct. This is a step by step tutorial and guide on how a newbie should when troubleshooting a computer.

Date Fixed : January 13, 2011

Problem : No Beep, No Video Display, and Fans Spins Erratically

Motherboard : Compaq Presario SR1000V, 2.6 GHz 512 MB
Operating System : Windows Media Center

Technicians : Computer Hardware Servicing Class of CLHIDO
Weblog :


- No Motherboard Support CD


- No Video Display
- No Beep on POST
- CPU fans spins but erratic


- Before testing the system unit, we must first ask few questions to the owner of the system unit to give us some clues on what and when's regarding the computer problem encountered. Remember that first hand information about the computer problem encountered by the owner or user is the most near-reliable source of idea on what really is the problem of his or her computer. But be warned, I have had said near-reliable because most users being asked lies on the details fearing that the blame is on them. You must ask them in low tone, soft, non-vindictive, and non-agitating manner. The details they give might be useful for your approach in troubleshooting.

- After gathering the information provided by the user, you must verify it by checking and testing the system unit. Be sure to physically check the peripherals first before testing. Try to see if there are missing, blown, or poorly attached cables and peripheral cards. Then after a thorough check, test the system unit and do a detailed observation.

- Upon turning on the system unit, we have noticed that there was an obvious whining sound inside the DVD ROM. There was no video display, no beep or beeps heard, and we can see the fans spinning erratically by when it spins fast then slows down to the extent of almost stopping then turns fast again. This must be a PSU or RAM or motherboard problem. Since there were drives attached, they need to be removed. Once the hard drive, floppy drive, and DVD ROM were removed, the system was powered on and again carefully observed for. The whining sound was gone but there was still no video display or a beep and the fans still spins erratically. The whining sound must have been caused by either of the drives which we verified later.

- Having eliminated the observed whining sound, we must now find out which peripheral or peripherals are failing. On our list we had the PSU, then the RAM, and finally the Motherboard. But among the three, PSU is the nearest candidate to be failing because it main function is to supply power to all the components of the motherboard including the CPU fans. But the RAM is also suspected to be defective so we have to check the easiest component to test which is the RAM. We cleaned the RAM's connector edge with an eraser and powered the system, but it was all the same. The fans still spins erratically. So we transferred the RAM to the next slot and again observed if CPU fans will spin regularly but it didn't. The RAM or the slots must be defective. Since we have an extra RAM, we swapped it with a known good RAM and powered the system unit again. Alas! the fans spins quite regular and we now have a clear display but we can still observe a little erratic spinning.

- Knowing that the RAM was indeed defective and has been tested, our attention switched back to the PSU. It doesn't mean that when as the RAM was initially replaced, it had already solved the problem. Logically, what made the RAM failed is either the motherboard or the PSU. So knowing this, the PSU must be checked.

- Upon checking the PSU, we were not surprised to see three blown capacitors. Though it may be ok to replace the blown capacitors, it is recommended to buy a new one. The system unit that we were troubleshooting had its defective PSU replaced by a new one.

- Two problems found and solved. Now let us go to the whining sound observed earlier. When we plugged in the drives we could hear that the source of the sound is really coming from the DVD ROM and as we tried to open the rack tray, it was stuck. So we manually opened the tray by pinching an eject hole of the DVD ROM and found a CD in it. When we closed the tray back and powered on the system unit, the sound was no longer heard.

- Installation of the operating system was done, appropriate drivers, and the necessary programs were finally installed. The system is now up and running.


- Troubleshooting problems like this seems so common. The most common problems we have encountered are these the ones we have just worked on. No video display, RAM, and PSU problems are the most common computer problems.

- As we have made the troubleshooting procedure above, problems with display are commonly caused by a failing RAM provided that the video card is ok. Fan problems are generally attributed by a failing PSU or worse a failing of defective motherboard. Also, abnormal sound produced by a system unit may be coming from a CD or DVD ROM, Hard Disk Drive, and or Fans.