Remote Helpdesk Software

Provide support to all your customers by remote control

Remote Helpdesk is a program that allows you to provide support to customers by pc remote control. The Server is a thin (under 450 Kb) program that doesn't require installation, your customers can start it from a web server link, shortcut on a local file server or it can even be emailed to them. Even at 56k download speeds, this means you can typically start a remote control session within 30 seconds of your users downloading remhelp.exe and pressing the start button.
remote help desk softwareOther remote control products charge on your customer base or monthly fee. Remote Helpdesk has only a single purchase charge based on your number of support staff. Remote Helpdesk offers real value in providing online support to a large customer base.

You are free to try Remote Helpdesk (the trial version is restricted to a 10 minute session time limit and file transfer/switching remote monitors is disabled). If you are pleased with Remote Helpdesk you can purchase it online from US$ 295.

  • Full 256, 15, 16, 24 or 32 bit screen transfer;
  • View Remote Computer Secondary Monitors;
  • 256 colour option for improved screen transfer;
  • 56, 128, 192 or 256 key AES (Rijndael) state of the art encryption of data transfers;
  • compression of all data transfers;
  • Remote Reboot;
  • support desktop can be streamed to customer;
  • file transfer;
  • audio communications between client and support;
  • text communications between client and support;
  • clipboard transfer;
  • definable hotkeys;
  • auto update your clients Remote Helpdesk from your own web site;
  • macro functions;
  • displays remote system information;
  • definable ip port;
  • full screen mode;
  • optional input to allow users to specify help needs;
  • optional input to allow users to specify help needs;
  • mouse wheel support for ms mouse or equivalent;
  • configure remote display using bitmaps allowing multi language support;
  • lookup for names and ip addresses;
  • logs connection ip, date and times;
  • swap mouse buttons for users that are left handed;
  • control/view mode;
  • thin installation, server is under 450 Kb
  • remote helpdesk server does not replace any files or modify registry settings;
  • operates on windows 95, 98, NT, 2000, XP, Vista, Windows 7.
  • single executable for reliability;

How is Remote Helpdesk different to other Remote Control Software

Most remote control programs operate using a direct connection from your computer to the remote computer. Remote Helpdesk can also be configured to reverse connection from the remote computer to your computer. As most firewalls block incoming rather than outgoing requests, Remote Helpdesk will work behind most firewalls when most other remote control programs fail.

Users do not like Remote Control Software installed on their computers

Remote Helpdesk is designed to be a simple, effective, and secure. Your users have full control to start and end remote session with a simple click of a button. Its ease of use will give your users confidence with your remote support. Remote Helpdesk consists of a single executable (remhelp.exe) that can easily be deleted after use. Remote Helpdesk does not alter your clients registry, install dll's or modify windows settings. It stores all communication settings within its own executable.

Configure look and feel of the Remote Helpdesk Server

The appearance of Remote Helpdesk can be modified using bitmaps that imbed directly into the remote helpdesk executable. The bitmap created may include additional user instructions or multi-language support. The Remote Helpdesk Server can also be configured with inputs that allow users to specify their support needs by email.

Supporting Users behind Firewalls

Remote Helpdesk can be configured to reverse connect directly from your clients computer to your support desk computer. Because most firewalls are configured to allow outgoing calls (and returning traffic), Remote Helpdesk will work through most firewalls - it includes options for proxy tunnel and/or SOCKS. If your support is also firewall protected, just configure the Remote Helpdesk Server to connect to your firewall, then configure your firewall to forward port connections (using socks, NAT, or port forwarding) to your support officers ip/port.
Provide Online Demo's of your Software to your Customers

Impress your customers by deomonstrating your software online through Remote Helpdesk. With a push of a button, your sales team can stream their desktop to your customers desktops.

All communications between the client and server can optionally be encrypted with up to 256 key AES (Rijndael) state of the art encryption. Configuration settings contained in the Remote Helpdesk Server are encrypted multiple times and includes crc checking to discourage tampering.

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