Rootexplorer app

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SD cards are an important tool for the mobile technology enthusiast. These memory cards can hold music, images, documents, and even important miscellaneous files. However, managing them on a mobile device can be a difficult task. This is especially true for Android phones where the SD card forms an important part of the phone. Luckily, there are several tools that you can use to manage (and read files from) your SD card and Root Explorer is one of them.

Root Explorer is a very powerful application (available in the market) that allows you to access the whole of android's file system (including the elusive data folder!). It also comes with feature like SQLite database viewer, Text Editor, create and extract zip or tar/gzip files, multi-select, execute scripts, search, remount, permissions, bookmarks, send files (via email, bluetooth etc), image thumbnails, APK binary XML viewer and many more. As its name implies, Root Explorer only works in rooted devices. In this article, we will be mainly discussing its capability as a SD card file manager, even though that is undermining its full capability.

This app provides an easy graphical view of your phones entire system. What is especially handy about it is that it allows you to move around any files that you'd like to. It also displays a folder called "SDcard". This folder contains everything that is stored on your memory card. Selecting this folder will allow you to view the entire contents of your SD card. Why is this handy? Because not all information that your phone needs is ever stored in one place. Occasionally, you will need to have certain files on the root portion of your SD card in order for your phone to use it.

In order to move files to the root of your SD Card, follow these simple steps:

1. Install Root Explorer from the market (cost US$3.99)

2. select Root Explorer from your apps drawer.


3. It will request for super-user permission. You will have to grant it permission in order to use it.

4. On the app's main screen, scroll down until you see the folder labeled as "SDcard."


Scroll down to where the particular file has been saved. The location of the file will vary depending on your download methods and default settings. Select the file by long pressing on the icon. A popup menu will appear.


5. Select "Move" from the menu and a paste button will appear at the bottom of the screen. After this, hit the back button on your phone and it will take you to the root of the SD card. Simply hit "Paste" and your file will be moved to the appropriate location.


You can also carry out operation like delete, copy, rename, or even view the file properties.

The one downside to this application is that it comes with a price tag of $3.99. Considering that there are a dozen of other file managers app in the market, this could be a turnoff for many of you. Nevertheless, it is absolutely worth the price because you can get many features out of it that are not available in other apps. It gives the user total control over the Android file system as opposed to other less-capable file managers. For those tight on the budget, there is the free Astro File Manager for Android. Although the Astro File Manager does not come as completely equipped as Root Explorer, it will allow the average user decent control of their file system.

Root Explorer (market link)