Shortcut to Select the First Boot Device For Your Computer

What do you do If you have to boot from a CD? Usually you restart your computer and your keep tapping F2 or the Delete Key to Enter the Setup of the BIOS and you change your Boot device to CD-ROM ..right..? And after that you have to change it back to your Hard Disk to boot from Hard Disk again.

One of my friends, Jeril taught me a rahter simple way. While you restart your computer press F8 instead of F2. Then You will get a quick menu asking for the boot device. All you have to do is to select the boot device from the list aned press enter. Your System boots form the selected device for that session. It automatically resets the boot device selection to the earlier value. i.e You dont have to change it back again.

He demonstated that on a AMD based PC and did not work for me. Instead F10 worked in place of F8 on my Pentium-4 based PC.
