SmarterTools Products Support Google's Chrome Browser

PHOENIX, Sep 09, 2008 (BUSINESS WIRE) -- SmarterTools, Inc. announced that the entire suite of SmarterTools' Web-based software products, SmarterMail mail server, SmarterTrack customer service software, and SmarterStats Web log analytics, support and operate within Google's new Chrome browser platform. Future versions of all three products will be optimized to take full advantage of Chrome's unique features.
Customer's Rely on Portability and Cross Browser Compatibility
"More than 15,000,000 end users worldwide count on our software to communicate and collaborate, manage customer interactions, and report on their online marketing performance," said Tim Uzzanti, CEO of SmarterTools. "SmarterTools is committed to fully support Google's Chrome browser because we believe that end users should not have their Web application options limited by their choice of browser platform."
Worldwide Access
SmarterTools products are designed to be accessed by end users anywhere in the world through popular Web browsers. SmarterMail, SmarterTrack, and SmarterStats are already thoroughly tested and optimized for Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Apple's Safari, Firefox, and Opera. Google, with its sizable existing user base in their core offerings, will no doubt be able to bring a large number of users to the Chrome browser platform. SmarterTools' support of the Chrome browser will ensure that these Google users will have equal access to its enterprise-class Web applications.
Choice is Good
"We imagine a technological future not dominated by one or two controlling mega-technology companies. Web 2.0 (and later) is all about empowerment and choice," continued Mr. Uzzanti. "We see a world where consumers will be able to open virtually any browser on any computer in the world to access SmarterMail, and push email and collaboration to their Apple iPhone, BlackBerry, or other mobile device--and we think this is a good thing."
Microsoft Silverlight and Other Technologies
Although there are concerns in the Web application community about Chrome's lack of compatibility with Microsoft's new Silverlight framework, these issues do not apply to SmarterTools' products because they have been designed from the ground up to support multiple technologies--allowing customers to choose the browser, platform, and charting component that best suits their environment.
