Trouble Shooting Tips After Installing a New Video Card

GeForce 6200A Video CardThe following troubleshooting tips may help if you experience problems.
  1. Check that the card is seated properly in its expansion slot. Some AGP cards have design flaws and are "well-known" to "pop out" during transportation. For PCI cards, if the problem still exists, try a difference PCI expansion slot.
  2. Ensure the display cable is securely fastened to the card's display connector.
  3. Make sure that the display and computer are plugged in and receiving power.
  4. If necessary, disable any built-in graphics capabilities on your motherboard. For more information, see your computer's manual.
  5. Make sure you selected the appropriate display device and graphics card when you installed your enhanced driver.
  6. If you have problems during start-up, start your computer in Safe Mode. In Windows 98, press the F8 key when "Starting Windows 98" appears; or, in Windows 98, press and hold the CTRL key until the Windows 98 Startup Menu appears on the screen. Then select the number for Safe Mode, and press Enter.