Why do the World Consider Google as the Best..?

Google is the worlds best company that provides quality services to Internet users. Started in 1996 as the part of a college paper for their Ph.D , google was basically aimed to aid people searching data on the net.
But before google came too we had search engines like AltaVista, yahoo and a lot, but these are used very rearely these days. For them search was not in the forefront. For them search was a part of the many services they gave . So the people searching for data couldnt find what they needed as the searches were not focussed and specific as their creaters gave serch engine lower pirority.

But google came up with a search engine. Thats the main job of google.com even to this day. Because Page and Brin knew that data mining was a very important part and was unavoidable in the internet.

But what makes google the best? Its googles policy to "DO NO EVIL", that always kept them on top. They were not two kids who wanted to become billionares all of a sudden. They aimed at solving the problems of the people. To this day, they are doing the same. Making money to help more people without disturbing the uses and there by giving quality service.
For instance visit google.com. You will find a neat and clean page, whcih must be the neatest and the cleanest page online. A page that loads fast with just the google logo coming up in bright colors and a search box. Google could have placed some adds there as they are having more than a billion visitors daily. This could have brought them millions of dollars a month. But they are sacrificing these dollars to give its users more comfort. If it had lots of adds its visitors would be surely disturbed and distracted.

This mentality of google to solve problems of the people by providing fast and quality service keeps them on top. This policy applies to gmail, orkut, blogger and lots of services that they give us, all for free. Can you find a better e-mail service better than gmail on the net?

Long live Google. Lets wish them all the best.
