Windows 7 Replacement

Windows 7 Replacement For Windows XP* (SP 1,2,3)
This small transformation pack will transform you current look to Microsoft's future OS
Windows 7. In order to install this first you must have Windows X's
Vista Transformation Pack v 8 or higher installed.You have to install this over it.
=> About dialog.
=> 4 Wallpapers
=> New Welcome Windows7 Welcome screen.
=> Modified WindowsX's theme with Windows 7 look.
=> 2 Boot screens for tune up.
=> Vistart ( with windows 7 styled start menu )
=> New styler toolbar skin
=> Windows 7 like glass system properties.
=> VistaDrive meter
=> Modified Log off / shutdown menu.
=> New styler toolbar Skin
=> New Registry for XP to change its interference to like of WIndows7.
and other...

* You must have Vista Transformation Pack v6(recomended v8 ) or higher installed
to apply this.

Since Windows 7 is very much alike to Windows Vista I changed only some file of VTP that
are different in Windows7.

DOWNLOAD ( Not avilable soon to be avilable )

Screenshot are given below:-

Properties Dialog

Start Menu

My computer+ about

Logoff / shutdown

logon screen

boot screen