10 Essential Tricks for System Administrators

This excellent article is taken from IBM Lazy Linux: 10 essential tricks for system administrators. The opening phrase is indeed interesting.

"The best systems adminsitrators are set apart by their efficiency.........."

  1. Trick 1: Unmounting the unresponsive DVD drive
  2. Trick 2: Getting your screen back when it's hosed
  3. Trick 3: Collaboration with screen
  4. Trick 4: Getting back the root password
  5. Trick 5: SSH back door
  6. Trick 6: Remote VNC session through an SSH tunnel
  7. Trick 7: Checking your bandwidth
  8. Trick 8: Command-line scripting and utilities
  9. Trick 9: Spying on the console
  10. Trick 10: Random system information collection
