2010 New Years Resolutions - Backup your data!

2010 New Years Resolutions - Backup your data!
Fixit99.com has partnered with Mozy, the #1 online source for backup, to offer FREE setup.

When was the last time you backed up your data?

If I was to ask you the last time your files were backed up what would you say? The #1 problem we see with users is forgetting to backup their data. The most difficult thing to ask our customers is: "How recent was your last backup?"

It is absolutely critical that all computer users understand that your hard drive or data will fail some day. Corruption happens, hard drives will fail, motherboards will short out, and mistakes will erase data. Good maintenance and technical skills may increase the time between errors, but in the end, the recommended solution is to create a backup strategy that works.

Often customers tell us they backup their data to CDs, flash drives, or other manual means of transfer, but the process is neglected. An online backup offers an alternative to optical or tape backup solutions. While traditional methods can be very effective, consumers often forget to backup that last file or copy their latest pictures. An online backup system avoids these problems. Setup and installation is a simple matter of downloading the software, and takes only a few minutes to set up. Data recovery is equally fast, as there is no searching for the right tape or waiting for IT staff to recover lost data.

How does online backup work?

The online backup provider supplies a software agent to be installed on the computer to be backed up. This busy piece of software allows the user to select the files to be backed up, manages the internet connection, encrypts and compresses the data before transferring it across the internet to a secure, remote location, and allows the user to view and restore the backed up documents.

Fixit99.com has partnered with Mozy, the #1 online source for backup, to offer FREE setup. We will connect to your computer and install the software for FREE. If you like MOZY, keep it for only $4.99 per month.

Click www.fixit99.com to chat with a Fixit99.com tech today.

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Fixit99.com is one of the U.S.'s leading services to fix your computer & technology problems. From spyware removal to fixing a slow computer, fixit99.com can connect to your PC anytime, anywhere, and get your PC back up and running. Fixit99.com offers flat rate services and unlimited support services. Visit www.Fixit99.com for more information.