5 Most Useful Chrome Browser Shortcuts

Like GMail Chrome allows really useful shortcuts. Some of listed are:

1. You can drag a link between tabs to open the link in a new tab in the specified position on the tab strip.
2. Ctrl1-8 allows you to switch tabs by tab position on the strip. Ctrl-9 switched to the last tab.
3. Like Firefox you can drag the tab to a different position in the tab strip, the UI is smoother.
4. Use Ctrl-Shift-T to reopen the last closed tab. Chrome remembers last 10 closed tabs.
5. Many Firefox and windows shortcuts work as expected like Alt-F4 to close current windows, use Ctrl-w to close current tab, Ctrl-Tab to switch to next tab, Ctrl-Shift-Tab to switch to previous tab etc.

Two hidden features in Chrome:

1. Type about:plugins in browser bar to get list of plugins
2. Type about:chrome to get detailed version information and user agent string.

Please read my detailed chrome browser review for more information and other features.
BTW: Are you aware of the major memory issue in chrome?

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How to Configure Gnome Keyboard Shortcuts
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