Access Database Corruption in Multi-User Environment

For complete access of MS Access database by all the authorized users connected in the network, the database is stored on the server. MS Access databases, residing on the network are more prone to damage due to multiple user access, network issues and software bugs. In such situations, the data stored in the Access database becomes inaccessible. To access the data in such data loss scenarios, you will need to restore the data from an updated backup. But, if no updated backup is available or backup fails to restore the required information, access repair software comes to rescue.

You may encounter any of the below situations after your Access database gets corrupted in multi-user environment:

MS Access database halts or responds slowly
You encounter the below error message:
“The document Database_Name caused a serious error the last time it was opened. Would you like to continue opening it?”
All the data in the database components display “#Name?” for most of the records.
Unexpected crashing of MS Access.

Data saved in the MS Access database becomes inaccessible after any of the above situations occur.


Few main reasons for the occurrence of MS Access database corruption are discussed below:

Two or more users are attempting to make changes in same database simultaneously.
Network issues like faulty cable and connection.
Software bugs
MS Office malfunctioning.


For systematic access of data after any of the MS Access corruption scenarios, you will need to use an inbuilt repair utility known as “Compact and Repair.” The in-built repair utility repairs the database in most of the corruption scenarios. However, if the inbuilt repair utility is unable to resolve the issue and the problem still persists, then you will need to use advanced Access Repair utility. These Access Database Repair tools incorporate high end scanning algorithms to scan and repair the corrupted database. These tools can comprehensively recover and restore all the inaccessible Access database files (.accdb and .mdb). With interactive and intuitive user interface, these tools serve as self-explanatory and recovery centric applications.

Stellar Phoenix access recovery is a powerful and trust worthy Access Repair utility. It can restore and Repair Access database components like tables, queries, forms, reports, macros and modules. The read only utility supports Microsoft Access 2007, 2003, 2002 (XP) and 2000. It is designed for Windows Vista, XP, 2003, 2000 and NT.