Access Recovery When Microsoft Jet Database Engine Can Not File MDB Objects

Are you unable to start Microsoft Access application or open Microsoft Access Database database (MDB or ACCDB) file? Do you encounter errors while working on an Access database in multi-user environment? It may have occurred occur due to corruption to Access database, which renders it inaccessible and unable. Database corruption may take place due a number of reasons, including application and system failure. In such circumstances, you need to perform access database recovery to work around the problem.

The multi-user environment of MS Access enables numerous users to use the database concurrently. However, there are some issues with this configuration that may cause database corruption.

As a practical example, you may come across the below error message while working on MS Access database in multi-user environment:

“The database needs to be repaired or isn't a database file.”

When you click the 'Yes' button on error message window, the database goes through repair process. After completion of repair process, if you try to open the application, you encounter further error message stating:

“Microsoft database jet engine is unable to find the object ‘msysdb.' Make sure the object exists and that you spell its name and the path name correctly.”

After the above error messages, database becomes inaccessible. In order to gain access of your valuable database, you need to find out the cause of this behavior and perform Access Recovery by sorting it out.

Root of the issue

This behavior of MS Access application or database may occur due to corruption. The corruption may be caused by various reasons, such as virus infection, improper system shutdown, application malfunction, user errors, improper editing of shared database in multi-user environment, and many more.


In such critical situations, try out the following things to fix it up:
Create a new Access database.
Import affected database to new one.
Run 'Compact and Repair' on new database.
Restart the MS Access application.

However, if none of the above methods work, Recover Access Database through third-party applications.

The access recovery software are particularly designed to thoroughly scan entire MDB file through high-end scanning techniques and extract all of its corrupted and inaccessible objects. They have simple and rich graphical user interface to offer ease of use. With read-only and non-destructive conduct, the applications are completely safe to use.

Access Recovery is a powerful and comprehensive utility for assured recovery of damaged MDB file. It restores all database objects, such as tables, reports, forms, queries, constraints, and more. The software works well with Microsoft Access 2007, 2003, 2002, and 2000.