The ACE Vest

On one of my recent posts, fellow Oracle ACE Dan Norris left a comment; I had never visited his blog but took a quick look and found it was dedicated to the (much-maligned) Oracle ACE Vest.

I have the dubious honor of being the only Hyperion-oriented Oracle ACE that owns an Oracle ACE Vest. These vests were given out to attendees at the annual Oracle ACE Dinner at Oracle Open World in 2007. At that dinner, I did my best to share my Hyperion ideas with JDeveloper and Oracle Database tuning experts but the dinner seemed much like the old Stephen Wright joke.. "I like to reminisce with people I don't know.. Sure, it takes longer.."

At that dinner, we were given these nice red vests to identify us as Oracle ACEs. It certainly worked (at least for the two or three of us that had the cojones to wear them in public. Of course, I was a newly-minted ACE at that time so I wore mine all during OpenWorld 2007. By the way, the vest is bright red with a huge black ace symbol on the back. If I ever take up poker, maybe I will find an acceptable place to wear it in public again...

You can see the adventures that Dan's vest, nicknamed Stanley, on his blog at