Advanced Security Manager Update - Call for testers

There was a comment on one of my earlier posts asking the status of the Advanced Security Manager. My developer is still working on the code although it is not on the top of his priority list. After a brief discussion, it appears the code changes, as requested by the OLAP Underground team as a condition for releasing the code, is complete and he has been working on properly commenting the code. I have directed him to make sure our automated build processes for ASM are in place and, once that is done, I would like to have some users start testing. If you are interested in testing the ASM, please drop me an email at; it will probably be a week or two before I get anything out.

I also intended to blog 'real-time' about the Collaborate conference. Unfortunately, I didn't even have time to eat most of the time I was there. I will try to post something soon (after a few Dodeca installs this week, reviewing a couple of patent filings, doing a bunch of followup calls, etc).