A few hours later, he was working on a customer prototype of Dodeca and needed to look at the Essbase outline the customer had sent us. No matter what he tried, he could not connect to EAS and called me as I am, of course, the company expert in such matters. We pulled up (what I thought would be) a quick GotoMeeting and, after a couple of hours had not made much progress *except* that we determined the only thing that changed was that he had upgraded AVG. We tried to shutdown the EAS service and launch EAS server manually and, after searching through logs, we finally found where there was a JVM Binding Exception which meant that *something* else was running on port 10080, the default EAS Server port.
We ran netstat on his machine and confirmed it but, the strange thing was, there was no process ID associated with whatever program was running on the port. A quick check of the web got a couple of hits of people who had other problems with port 10080 and the new version of AVG. We had two choices: find what in AVG caused the problem or reconfigure EAS to run on a new port. My employee tracked down the AVG component, Web Shield and disabled it.

It is not likely that many EAS users will see this as it is doubtful they are running AVG on their EAS server. On the other hand, those people who have the entire Hyperion stack running on their laptops, like many of us Essbase geeks (er... professionals), might run into this. Hopefully this will save some of you some time. No charge (but I am willing to accept free coffees at Collaborate and Kaleidoscope!)