Collaborate Next Week

I am heading off sometime tomorrow to Collaborate in Orlando. This is one of those trips that makes my airplane pay off as it gives me the ultimate flexibility to arrive and depart whenever I please. Further, it is only a 3 hr trip in my plane and will take less time than any airline option.

Enough about travel, here is a list of things that you won't want to miss in Orlando:
  • Sunday, 3:30 – 5:45 - Hyperion SIG meeting. For more information and agenda, see the agenda at I will be speaking at this event (however briefly).
  • Sunday, 6:30 - 8:30 - EPM Reception. This is a private party at BB King's with only 100 tickets available and is sponsored by some of the leading Hyperion vendors (including Applied OLAP). The best way to get a ticket is to attend the Hyperion SIG meeting and ask how you can attend. Note that you have a much better chance of getting a ticket if you are a customer; even sponsors get only 2 tickets per company. As a sponsor, I will be at this reception.
  • Monday evening, Tuesday and Wednesday - Exhibitor Showcase. Be sure to drop by Booth 4042, say hello and take a quick look at our revolutionary Dodeca product. We are also launching our new website in conjunction with this show so, if you stop by our booth, you may see our new look. For those of you who know us, you know we have focused on the technology side of our product and now that the product is solid and is being used in mission critical applications in some of the largest companies in the USA, it is time for a coming-out party!
  • Wednesday, 8:30 - 9:30 - Session 2597 - How Cantor Fitzgerald Increased User Productivity with Essbase. In this session, I will talk about how one of our customers implemented Dodeca and realized an investment payback of about 30 days. I wonder if we should charge more for Dodeca?
  • Wednesday, 11:00 - 12:00 - Session 1753 - Consolidate BI and Planning Applications to Cut Costs and Improve User Productivity Using Essbase. In this session, I will talk about how some of our largest customers, including 2 of the largest banks in the country, have standardized on Dodeca. I will be showing some screencams for a couple of these customers so you can see what they are running today.
  • Wednesday night. - Islands of Adventure. I will see you on the Incredible Hulk roller coaster. This coaster has one particular turn and dip that reminds me of my days when I used to fly aerobatics. My current airplane is not made to do aerobatics but rather to go fast!

See you in Orlando!