Debugging FDQM

I got an email from a user who was seeing an error with FDQM and asking for my advice. First let me say that I have never used the product but I have debugged many, many Hyperion
issues over the years.
The user is getting a very uninformative error message: Error: At Line: 125. I'll bet you can look at that message and guess exactly what the problem really is, right?
The email mentioned a related OTN posting: I took a look at posting and the user had posted much more information from the logs:

** Begin FDM Runtime Error Log Entry 2011-05-05-14:35:32**

Code......................................... -2147417851
At Line: 125
Procedure.................................... clsBlockProcessor.ActConnect
Component.................................... upsWBlockProcessorDM
Version...................................... 931
Thread....................................... 7948

User......................................... administrator
Computer Name................................ DSDFS931
App Name..................................... TestOra
Client App................................... WebClient

Provider..................................... ORAOLEDB.ORACLE
Data Server..................................
Database Name................................ orcl
Trusted Connect.............................. False
Connect Status.. Connection Open

The thing that sticks out like a sore thumb, from my point of view, is the error code -2147417851. This looks like the error number that an ActiveX control (or server application) may throw when it has an internal error. I searched the web and found some references to that error number being thrown when trying to run Excel via COM Automation.

To find the real reason for the error, Oracle Support (or Dev) will need to look in the class 'clsBlockProcessor', method 'ActConnect'. I bet once they get to 'Line 125' as indicated in the error message, they will have a good start on finding a solution.