E-mage: a new tool to secure personal information online

An increasing number of internet users are now taking the help of a new online identity security system --e-mage-- to secure their personal data over the cyberworld .

"At E-mage management, we help people to hunt for their fake profiles online on different websites and social networking groups that defame their entities, posing problems for them in seeking jobs, etc.," Karnika Seth, Cyber lawyer and provider of E-mage service, said.

"What we do is after having fetched such profiles, we sort out ways and means to get them deleted permanently," she said.

On an average, Seth addresses one such case every week. There has been an increasing number of fake profiles online on different websites like blogs, microblogs or social networking sites where fraudsters avenge their grudge or harass someone by creating their profile online that hampers his or her reputation.

"These fake profiles not only affect an individual on the personal level by creating difficulties in employment, ruining his or her social and professional connections, damaging reputation, but it also has an effect on their finances, in case of customers' or corporate data being stolen," another cyber crime specialist said.

Rashmi Sood (name changed), a researcher with a firm in the US, had sought the help of e-mage management to deal with her derogatory 'fake profile' which someone had created.

"I was not getting a job despite being the best in my field because someone had created an online fake profile of mine that had derogatory remarks about me.

"Here abroad, employers conduct an online screening of individuals before incorporating them in their organization. When I enquired with the organization, they directed me to this respective website."

Sood had registered a case with the police but it yielded no results, after which she turned to e-mage management for help.

"The police is not well trained or equipped to handle cyber crime cases and as such most of the time such cases are not registered. Even if they are registered, there is no investigation. That is why despite the IT Act being so old, conviction rate in cyber crime cases till date is only three," another cyber lawyer said.

Source : The Economic Times