Fixing Corruption in MS Access Forms

Even if you are a database user who has never experienced Access database corruption, you should still take necessary precautions to save your database from getting damaged. Corruption in MS Access database at any point in time, such as mounting the database, closing the database, or modifying the records. Few main causes for damage could be improper system shutdown, application malfunction, network failure, and virus attack. Few major issues that you might encounter after your Access database gets corrupted are unmountability of database, improper display of records, or total inaccessibility of data. These issues will not affect your personal or professional work, if you have maintained a valid database backup. However in case of absence of an updated backup, you will need to repair your database by using advanced access database repair tool.

Consider a practical case, where you attempt to open a form that you have not opened for a long time. The form does not open instead of repetitive attempts. However, the situation becomes worse when you double-click on the database, and it does not mount. The database records become inaccessible after it becomes unmountable.


All the above situations clearly indicate that the database has been corrupted.


For complete repair of Access database in such cases, you will need to follow the below steps:

Try to Compact and Repair your database.
Create new blank database and then import all the old database components to the new database. In case some of the components are corrupt, the import process will freeze them, and allow you to identify the level of corruption in a better way. After importing all the undamaged database components, you will be able to mount your database.

While the probabilities of these resolutions falling short is low, but it exists. In such cases, the only way to repair your database is by using an efficient third-party access repair software. These repair utilities scan your corrupt database and provide comprehensive repair using powerful repairing algorithms. Such Access Repair tools are embedded with interactive user-documentation, which makes even an novice user to perform database repair.

You Can also see this access repair related article :-