Formatting a Mac hard drive is not secure, better wipe the data.

If this festive season you are planning to get an updated Mac. Then I have a really wise advise for your data on the Mac hard drive. You might be saying that “I have formatted the hard drive before I was about to dispose off the hard drive, that wise I am”, but have you ever thought that even after formatting the data the isn't permanently deleted from the Mac hard drive. Yes, that's true.

You might have heard of the data recovery companies that claim, to recover the data from the formatted hard drive if they are true then how safe are you after formatting the hard drive. For me you have exposed the data on the hard drive to the world. So, is there any way to get rid of the data permanently, to an extent that the data is not recoverable by any means . Yes, is the answer to the question. The data recovery companies have this option too. They have a software for such scenarios too. The Mac Wipe Software what they call it. The data once has gone through the procedure of wipe is not at all recoverable by any means not even a data recovery software can recover the data.

Lets get a bit deeper to get an overview of what exactly happens once you delete the data on Mac. Like every other Operating system Mac OS X also uses a file system for storing, manipulating, accessing the data. It creates a unique entry in the file system for every file stored on the Mac hard drive. At the time we want to access the data these id's are being referenced by the Operating system to locate and access the files.

The time when we delete the file only the reference is what gets deleted but the data remains there on the drive, it's just that the OS is not able to access the data on the drive which makes us believe that the data in no more there on the drive but that isn't the case. The data is recoverable even then using Mac data recovery software. Same happens in the case of formatting a hard drive the data remains there in the drive.

You might think of using the Disk utility the inbuilt Mac utility to wipe the data, but it has the same problem the data doesn't actually wipes from the drive. A Mac wipe software can only prove out to be beneficial in such a case.