A Geek's Valentines Day

Probably many of you have read my bio and have read how great my wife is, but few of you know that our wedding anniversary is Valentines Day.  Darlene and I were married twenty one years ago today on Valentines Day of 1990.  Of course, we had to get married on a Wednesday to make it Valentines Day.  I am actually heading home early today (before 4 pm!) to take a walk on the nearby greenway with Darlene, but first I thought I would leave a little Valentine for all my fellow Essbase devotees..

Back when I was 13 years old, I had my first job pumping gas in my Grandpa's gas station.  Between customers, I always tried to read the newspaper and even had a favorite columnist.  I know what you are saying, what a geek, right?  The columnist was Sidney J Harris and my favorite column ran every Monday.  It was always entitled "Things I Learned En Route To Looking Up Other Things."  This nugget fits into that category.

I was recently looking for some specific documentation on the Oracle website when I ran across this gem, a PDF full of Tallyrand (11.1.2) infrastructure tips.  It also has some answers to questions where I have not previously seen documentation.

Here is a link to the file:

I thought that perhaps I was just late to the party finding this information, so I pinged my friend Cameron Lackpour.  He was aware of a version for   I did a search and found a few other similar documents on the Oracle website:

