How can I clone a hard disk with Linux?

It’s always there in to our mind that if incase the data on the hard dive gets corrupt then, how will I recover the data? That’s the reason that we create a back up of the data. If the data is small enough we use the optical media CD/DVD for back up else if the data is huge in size what should we do? That’s the time when we require an additional hard disk to back up the data. But if we are doing this then also there are chances that we loose data.

So, what should be done in that case? In such a case disk cloning is done. Disk cloning creates a exact image of your data. Disk cloning minimizes the chance of data loss. It creates the image with exact preferences as you had in the old hard drive.

There can be two ways in which the clone can be created in Linux is by “dd” and “ddrescue” free utilities. Gddrescue is the newer and the faster way clone the hard drive we will see both the ways to create a clone of the hard drive.

Backup your important data through data recovery Linux software. Detach all the external drives, memory card and all other storage media accept the one you want to clone. Boot your computer with Live CD and memories the naming convention of the drives.

Steps For dd rescue clone
1) Determine your source and the destination drive. Source will the one from which you are cloning and the destination will be the one that you are cloning to.
2) One done with tis then you need to open the terminal window.
3) The next step will be to type the command “dd bs=4k if=/dev/SOURCE of=/dev/DESTINATION conv=noerror,sync.
4) Replace the source with your source drive and the destination with the destination drive.
5) If you want to create a clone of a single partition then provide the partition name else if you want to create a clone of the whole hard drive then its name.
6) Once all the steps are over then what you need Is the patience

Steps for gddrescue clone
1) Determine the source and the destination for the hard drive.
2) If you are using an ubuntu live CD then enable all the repositories by opening software source program which is located under system and administration on the top deskbar
3) Then click the check boxes for universe and multiverse repositories
4) Open the terminal under application and the accessories and download gddrescue by typing command sudo apt-get install gddrescue
5) Then type the following command and replace the source with source drive and do the same with destination
Command : sudo ddrescue -v /dev/SOURCE /dev/DESTINATION

Once done with this the data being cloned to another hard disk successfully. This was all for the technical people but if a person is not that much technical. In such a case Linux data recovery software can help. Most of such software has the option to create a clone of the hard drive.