How to Boot Linux from USB Drive?

Most of the notebook owners are always on the run, what if the Linux operating system installed gets corrupt. One can suggest for such cases Linux data recovery software are available in the market to backup your data and save your data from damage. But, will those data recovery software will help resume the work again? No, then what should be done? Today we will look how to get rid of such a problem.

For note book users a thumb drive is easy to use, we will create a bootable USB Drive by which it will be easy to boot the system any where in the world. Yes, this is possible Ubuntu 9.10 CD/DVD ISO images has necessary Linux and Windows utilities to get the system on a USB.

What you require is:

1)1 GB USB drive is required, back up of the data on the drive should be taken in advance.

2)Another computer, Ubuntu notebook remix ISO.

3)ISO image File

For desktop, Windows or a Mac PC users the configuration will totally change. These configuration will work only for notebook users.


Download the ISO for notebooks from downloaded, copy the file to the USB drive. The next step in the process is to run the usb-creator, Linux users are much familiar with the option, if not installed you can get it installed from the Synaptic Package Manager. You need to select “other” and locate the ISO image. Once you select the ISO image insert USB drive you want to make bootable. You will get a notification “USB drive in use”. Now just make sure that the correct device connected before you proceed to create a start up disk out of it. If in case you encounter a error like “two partition created” try selecting each of them, one of them should work. If not, restart your system and try booting from the USB again. Your disk is ready to use. Try booting your system using the thumb drive but before that you need to move to the system BIOS and put hard drive or removable drive depending on your system.

Need to care about:

The quality of the USB drive matters a lot, no matter how fast, spacious it is what matters is you don't lose the data. It's always recommended to go for branded USB dive. Even then if the data is lost the recovery is possible for branded drives, which has a low probability in non branded drives.

For notebook users like me this works as a boon. Now next time you need to boot the system you can do it in fraction of seconds.