How To Fix Internet Explorer 9 Crashes

Internet Explorer 9 crashes are a big problem that's caused by your PC being unable to properly process the settings & options that this program requires to run. We've found that although this is an important part of the Windows system, it's continually causing a large number of problems which will lead it to crash. This tutorial is going to show you how to fix the Internet Explorer 9 crashes issues on your system in the most effective way possible.

What Causes Internet Explorer 9 To Crash?

* Your PC will have problems with its files & settings
* Windows will not be able to process the registry settings it needs to run
* Windows will be out of date

How To Fix Internet Explorer 9 Crashes

This program is tricky because it's a central part of Windows, meaning that if you have a number of problems with it - it's not like you can just re-use the tool and make it run faster again.

We've found that the best way to fix the problem with IE9 is to first make sure that Windows is up to date. This can be done by clicking onto "Start", selecting "All Programs" and then picking "Windows Update" to help load up the files and programs which your system requires to operate. This will make sure that Windows is up to date as much as possible - boosting its speed and reliability.

On top of updating Windows, we also recommend disabling and then re-enabling the Internet Explorer 9 application on your PC. This can be done by clicking onto "Start", selecting "Control Panel" and then choosing "Programs and Features". Inside here, you should click onto "Disable Features" and then remove the Internet Explorer 9 program. After that, restart your PC and then re-enable the tool using the same process.

It's also recommended that you use a registry cleaner to fix any of the potential problems that Windows may have left inside. The registry is a central database which stores all the important settings that your PC will require to run. We've found this part of your system is continually going to be causing errors for IE 9, making it vital that you're able to fix any of the problems that it may have by using a registry cleaner tool. We recommend using a program called Frontline Registry Cleaner to achieve this, as this will fix the most problems on your system.

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