How to perform a registry scan?

At times, we all are victims of poor performance of pc, which occurs due to multiple reasons. Whenever the problem comes up, you will be forced to doubt the effectiveness of your operating system. However, the problem may not with the OS, but with the registry of your Windows pc.

Defining Windows registry
The registry is considered as the heart of any operating system. The registry controls all the activities of your computer. It records all the data of your computer operations and it creates a database and stores it.

The repository files are quite important to update all your software. If the repository files are damaged, it is difficult to work on the PC and retrieve data. The registry records all the unwanted details also and piling of such unworthy details often causes the poor performance of your PC. So, it is mandatory to clean the registry of your pc periodically either manually, or using a third-party registry cleaning software.

A registry scan will be the right solution for this problem and could be done with the help of experts rendering online computer support.

Five Root Keys of Windows Registry
There are five repository root keys present in the registry:

How to view the Root keys?
To view the files, click on Start menu and select Run command. Next, type ‘regedit.exe’ command to display the files on your monitor. These files are the root keys, which save all the entries your make while operating your computer. This means, all entries related to preference, hardware, software, and OS settings are stored in the above five files or root keys.

Using Registry Repair Program
The cluttering of useless information on the registry is the major cause for the poor performance of your PC if all your hardware is working normally. So, you need to use a registry cleaning software to clean your Windows registry and solve this problem. The registry repair program will scan your operating software registry and will help you remove unwanted data recorded there. To get a help regarding the efficient registry cleaning tool, you can contact a remote pc repair company.

A registry cleaning software helps you fix the problems related to the poor performance of your PC due to the presence of unwanted data in registry. The software scans and fixes the obsolete data present in windows registry and deletes unwanted data. Regular registry cleaning is recommended to all computer users to prevent unwanted data piling up in the registry.

As explained earlier, Windows registry stores all important information pertaining to the adequate functioning of your pc, it is highly recommended not to touch it unless you are a pc repair expert yourself. Going to a local computer repair shop can prove to be expensive and time-consuming option. What’s the best solution? Well, you can use the expert services of remote pc repair company such as The trained remote pc support technicians working with a cheap computer repair company ensure that your problem is resolved the very same day. These experts fix your computer LIVE at a nominal cost. These online pc repair professionals are helpful, as they help you fix and rectify the problem and charge only when the problem is resolved.