How to resolve black screen issue on boot up in Ubuntu 10.4?

The latest version of Ubuntu has been reviewed fine, the graphics the interface every thing is really cool and you can't resist using it. It really got a positive response from the users. But as the days passing by people have installed it on to their system and facing the issue of black screen on boot up.

Ubuntu is showing black screen in two scenarios, it is not an issue related to the data loss as it goes blank just after grub, it's not because of the corrupt files it's because of some incorrect default settings. You can relax …, I know you are smart enough to backup your data first before trying any new OS on your system, you won't play on your data, else if not backed up the data Linux data recovery can help you recover data, if the data is lost.

We got a bit wayward! Lets concentrate on the issue. Black screen can be found under two scenarios
1)If you install Ubuntu 10.4 then you may face this problem.
  • a) The screen goes blank just after grub then you need to press “e” to get to the boot loader.
  • b) If in case you are not able to reach to the grub then press shit and hold on to it.
  • c) You will find a line which says “quiet and splash” replace it with “nomodeset'.
  • d) Next step is to boot the system, press Ctrl + X to boot.
  • e) Login to Ubuntu

It might happen with some that removing quiet and slash will give rise to another problem that is you might not see splash. In that case you just need to replace “quiet” and let the “splash” be there as before. It will resolve the other issue too.

2)If you've upgraded from Ubuntu9.10 to 10.4 for this issue still the research is on and I will definitely let you know once I found the resolution to the problem. What I will recommend in this case is to fresh install Ubuntu 10.4 to get rid of such issue till the time resolution is not found. I referred Ubuntu forums too to get the problem solved but couldn't get any kind of answer.