How to Uninstall Office 2007?

Office 2007 is an Office productivity suite designed and marketed by Microsoft. It is a package which contains modules like spreadsheet, document creator, digital presentation creator, digital publisher etc. There are multiple versions based on the packages involved.

Steps involved in computer troubleshooting and uninstalling Office 2007
There are multiple ways to uninstall Office 2007 from the system some of them are listed below –

1) Uninstalling from the Control Panel
2) Using the Office 2007 DVD
3) Using System Restore
4) Registry Removal

Uninstalling from the Control Panel – This method uses the windows uninstaller program to remove Office 2007 from your computer. To achieve this follow these steps –
1) Click on Start and browse to Control Panel
2) Click on Program and Features option, this brings a complete list of programs present on your system
3) Choose Microsoft Office 2007 and select uninstall
This is the most basic method of uninstalling the productivity suite from your system.

Using the Office 2007 DVD – Microsoft has built-in uninstall facility in all their Office softwares, which acts as computer repair software and helps in uninstalling Office 2007. This is actually the best method to safely uninstall Microsoft office 2007 from your system. The steps include –
1) Place in the DVD in the DVD rom drive
2) The DVD will run automatically and display 3 options on the screen
3) Choose the Uninstall or Remove option and click Next
4) Select all the installed packages and click Next

It will take around 2-3 minutes to uninstall all the packages from the system and after this process Office 2007 will be completely installed from the system.
Using System Restore – You should use this process after you have tried the above steps. System restore is a feature provided by the Windows OS. The system randomly keeps a snapshot of the complete registry as a backup on some random dates and the system puts it back once the particular date is selected.

By choosing the date before Office 2007 was installed system restore puts the registry back to the selected date. Once this is done all folders and registry entries are placed according to that date so this will remove the Office 2007 from the system completely. To run the system restore follow these steps.
1) Click on Start
2) Select All programs
3) Go to Accessories and then Click on System tools
4) Browse to System restore and choose a date prior to the installation of Office 2007.
5) After selecting the date click Next

System restore will take some time to apply the setting to the selected date and once the settings are applied it will restart the system.
Registry Removal – This is the best way and the most dangerous way to remove office 2007 from the system manually. It is better to keep a manual backup of the registry before making these changes and taking help of a computer tech support professional is advisable. To achieve this follow the steps-

1) Click on Start and click on Run and type Regedit
2) Browse to the subkey HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Office\12.0
3) Delete all the folders below this subkey
4) Browse to keys listed and delete them
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\Delivery\SourceEngine\Downloads\*0FF1CE}- HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\*0FF1CE*
This will remove the office 2007 from the system completely

All the above steps mentioned are to remove the Office 2007 completely from the system and these methods should be performed in the order given. The first three steps can be performed easily, but the fourth step can be a little tricky and it is best to take the help of computer repair technician if you do not have much knowledge of the registry.

"Copyright 2010, Mike Scherenberg. For more information or to view this original article, please visit