How to Windows xp optimization

Windows XP operating system has many features and components embedded in the operating system. But some features did not need to be used and Windows XP still make loading into the computer system,so we can optimization this windows XP features.

Run Service.msc (module default Windows XP)

Windows XP do the loading of modules complete the program in order to comfort the user operating systems are always readily available. Unfortunately not everyone takes moduleprogram the loading of default WinXP system. Besides consuming memory resources because the module was first run when the computer is working, sometimes even making the Windows operating system became a little slower.

Features a program module that is not necessary to shut down by SERVICE.MSC facilities.

How to Windows xp optimization:

Go to the Start and Run and type "service.msc". Next will come from a program list service module which defaults to always be loaded by Windows XP. To turn off the service module of Windows, on the second picture you see on the list of programs and STATUS. On the status list, you can see if the program module is always running when Windows XP Windows work the first time, or automatically when needed and the last new work is not executed at all (Disable)

Below is a list of Windows components loaded by default but may not be required for some needs (Source Techtree) Unused Module Function module that can be turned off (Disable)

1. Computer Browser
This module is to monitor the list of computers that are connected into the Network.
Computer Browser Module can be turned off when you are using computers at home without being connected to the network / LAN

2. Distributed Link Tracking Client
This module is enabled to monitor the relationship between NTFS files within the computer itself or  network with a domain name. The function module is only needed if someone needs a link to another computer in a file.
Not all people need links to and from your computer to a file and you can turn off (Disable).

3. Error Reporting Service
Function module Error Reporting Service is to provide a report when Windows XP disturbed.
This function is not useful and can be at Disable

4. Help and Support
Getting the support files by pressing F1 to activate.
Are you quite often do and read the help file from Windows?, Turn off this feature

5. Indexing Service
Indexes contents and properties of files on local and remote computers aims to accelerate access to files by way of a flexibel.Service queue is not needed

6. Net Logon
Supports pass-through authentication of account logon events for computers in a domain. When you connect to the network and a domain. This feature is required
But if you only use the computer alone and do not own the domain. This feature can be turned off

7. NetMeeting Remote Desktop Sharing
This feature is to provide access to your computer via Netmeeting through an Intranet network.
If you are not willing to give access to others, especially by way of Remote into your computer. We recommend that this feature is turned off

8. Network Location Awareness (NLA)
This module is to record and store a list of network configuration and location information.
This function does not help, and can be turned off

9. Network Provisioning Service
Manages the XML configuration files on a domain basis for automatic network provisioning.
Not needed for home computers and simple network system. This feature can be turned off

10. Performance Logs and Alerts
Feature module to record the performance of computer and other activities that are recorded in a file (log file)
You do not need to bother with the performance of your Windows system, shut down because not much use for stand-alone.

11. Portable Media Serial Number Service
Retrieves the serial number of any portable media player connected to this computer.
The function module is not useful and is intended only for the Windows Media based / compatible ("PlaysForSure") portable. MP3 users do not need this feature and should be turned off

12. QoS RSVP
Provides network signaling and control delivery at the local traffic
The function module with the concept of providing greater bandwidth to application needs. In fact this function has little impact. Options can be turned off or permanent use

13. Remote Desktop Help Session Manager
Manages and controls Remote Assistance. "
Not yet known function for what, Remote Assistance will be accepted. Or not required and can be turned off

14. Remote Registry
Authorized remote users to modify the registry on a computer Better is turn off.

15. Security Center
Monitors system security settings and configurations. "Displays Pop Up when the firewall is down, Anti-virus has been out o date or deliberately turned off the Windows system updates.
If you always monitor the 3 functions above, this feature can off. Cause Security function not center only to monitor and prevent and better control directly from your safety program

16. Servers
Support file servers such as printers, file sharing or shared within the network
Could be required could not, if you do not share between computers within the network. This feature can be turned off.

17. Smart Card
Manages access to smart cards read by this computer. "
You use the Smart Card in your computer. If not should be turned off

18. SSDP Discovery Service
Enables discovery of UPnP devices on your home network. "Windows will monitor other hardware with Plug and Play system.
This function can be turned off when you no longer add another device or hardware that you use is permanent. But if you are using a lot of hardware should this feature remains activated

19.System Restore Service
Performs system restore functions. Windows can restore your Windows system to restore a backup performed when the set point. By enabling system restore will be easier to restore Windows if a crash and malfunction and mengembalikanWindows XP to time you do a backup.

20. TCP / IP NetBIOS Helper
Provides user experience theme management support for NetBIOS over TCP / IP (NetBT) service and NetBIOS name resolution
Turn off if you do not need NetBIOS for network

21. Themes
Provides user experience theme management. For performance reasons, such as the display interface Win2000. This feature can be run through the Desktop Properties. So there's no reason this module loaded
You can turn off this feature

22. Uninterruptible Power Supply
Manages an uninterruptible power supply (UPS) connected to the computer
It was obvious function when you are using UPS requires this functionality, this feature is specific only to the UPS is connected to a computer via COM port. When you can not turn off

23. Wireless Zero Configuration
Provides automatic function for the Wireless network adapter.
If you do not have a WiFi device can be turned off.

24. WMI Performance Adapter
Provides performance library information from WMI providers HiPerf
It is unclear to what, and can be turned off

Creates and maintains client network connections to remote servers. If you are using file sharing within the network, leave this function still work.
If you do not use the sharing feature and your computer independent / stand alone. This feature can be turned off and not affect the Internet connection

Discard unneeded programs from start-ups

As with other Microsoft operating systems, when installing the program into the hard drive. Generally, some programs put features like auto updates, drivers or additional programs on start-ups. Maybe you never realized bahwar program that placed in the start-up Windows too slow when Windows XP will be used.

To open and see what programs are loading when Windows XP first started working. You can type in the Run, with Regedit

Regedit function is to look at the Windows Registry and change it if necessary. The area lies at startup. Or use msconfig run through Run.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ Curr entVersion \ Run

Most of the programs to be loaded on Windows XP System Windows XP outside the program are placed in areas RUN. Make sure when removing tasks on startup programs in the RUN directory is a program that you do not use.

If you have any doubts change Windows Registry, it's good to use the helper program such as TuneUp.

Results for optimizing Windows system

By changing the setup from the start module in Windows XP Service, Windows will have a greater source memory for applications. So the application has more memory space.

Risks on the optimization of this article

Using the optimization by changing the Service, registry and turn off the feature in Windows XP system is not free from some risks. You should already know what you did with the greatest risk is Windows XP you can not work properly until it can go into WinXP Desktop screen.

Do not forget, make changes to Windows XP is your hands, and the risk borne by yourself.