How You Can Make Kaleidoscope Better

Since the acquisition of Hyperion by Oracle, I have worked with the Oracle Development Tools User Group ("ODTUG") to make their conference, Kaleidoscope, a home for the Hyperion community.  I believe my efforts, along with the efforts of some other dedicated individuals have paid off and this summer Kaleidoscope 2010 is shaping up to be the best Hyperion conference ever.  The dedicated individuals who have had the most impact on the success of the Hyperion content at the conference is the ODTUG Hyperion Special Interest Group ("Hyperion SIG").  You have a chance now to join this group of individuals as nominations are now open for three directors to fill expiring terms on the board.

The nominations are open to both Hyperion end users and partners.  The board by-laws do, however, state that at least 50% of the board membership must be from the end user community.

Current board member (and friend) Natalie Delemar is the person responsible for gathering the nominations.  She has volunteered many hours and very hard for the Hyperion SIG over the past couple of years and deserves a big round of applause from our community.  You can send the nominations to her at

For more information on the qualifications, please see this Network54 forum post.