Improve browser speed in Internet Explorer 6.0.

This post provide further information to fix browser performance issue with IE 6. It provide step by step instruction to improve browser speed in Internet Explorer 6.0

Solution: From the 'Tools' menu, select 'Internet Options' and set the following options to improve browser performance.

The amount of time it takes for your browser to load can depend on many things. This can include server or network traffic, your connection to the network, your computer speed and memory, and the content of the page you are loading (e.g., pages with a lot of images will load very slowly). You can turn off certain features to allow pages to load faster and save you time.

Use the following options to help improve your browser speed.
1) Disable downloading pictures. Pictures often take a long time to load, and most information on Web pages is text, turn off pictures to prevent them from downloading.
NOTE: You will see an icon which indicates that the picture is missing and to view the image, right click on the icon.
2) Disable page transitions.
3) Disable play animations.
4) Disable background music.
5) Clear your history or at a minimum set history to 1.
6) Customize how often Internet Explorer checks the Web for updated content.
TIP: For optimum speed, select 'Automatically' check for newer versions of stored pages.
7) Increase the size of your cache file.
NOTE: The Temporary Internet Files folder, referred to as the cache, contains a record of the items you have seen or downloaded from the Web, including images, sounds, Web pages, and even cookies. This reduces the time you wait for the page to load because loading the copy on your machine is quicker than retrieving a new copy from the web site.