Installng xsensors and lm-sensors on fedora 12

It is quite useful to know information regarding  your hardware especially the temperature.

Lm-sensors is the low level driver and service that connects to the motherboard components capable of monitoring temperatures and voltages. Lm-sensors collects the data over the reevant subsystem, an I2C interface.

XSensors is the front-end to display the data collected by Lm-sensors

Hardware Prerequisites.
For more information on hardware support by lm_sensors, please visit the Device lm-sensors wiki

Install Prerequisites and XSensors
Step 1: Install lm_sensors package
yum install lm_sensors lm_sensors-devel

Step 2: Install gtk2

yum install gtk+

Step 3: Download the xsensors from the http// The current version at this point in writing is xsensors-0.70.
*Ensure you have GNU compilers installed so that you can compile the program
tar -zxvf xsensors-0.70.tar.gz
cd xsensors-0.70
make install