Kaleidoscope 2010 Keynote - Not More of the Same

The keynote at the two Kaleidoscope conferences I have attended have been Oracle executives which is quite different than the keynotes at the Solutions Conferences.  My favorite keynotes at Solutions were both by John Cleese of Monty Python fame.

This year, ODTUG is changing things up a bit and, although it probably won't be comedic, it certainly should be interesting.  Lee Rainie, Director of the Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, will deliver the keynote this year.  The Pew Internet & American Life Project is a non-profit, non–partisan organization that studies the social impact of the Internet.  During his Keynote, Lee will discuss findings of a survey of experts about the social impact of the Internet and cell phones as technology continues to improve and provide more opportunities for users.  I look forward to it.

In other Kaleidoscope news, the agenda for the Hyperion Symposium has been published.  Friend and fellow blogger Cameron Lackpour has posted the agenda on his blog at http://camerons-blog-for-essbase-hackers.blogspot.com/2011/05/kalidoscope-2011-05mposium-agenda-is_18.html.