Mac Data Recovery – How to recover data if Error-43 occurs

Intel-CPU based iMac with a 27 inch 16:9 aspec...Image via Wikipedia
Although Mac is known for its efficiency and the introduction of the time machine has made the Mac experience even better. But, still some of the errors are there which can lead too data loss or it can cause inaccessibility. Situations like these should not be ignored, or we should not avoid it. We must make sure one thing that the back up is the key. As even if we loose all the data on the system then also we won't be effected by such situations. We all know that there are several mac data recovery software available in the market to help the cause but why to incur extra cost when we can avoid situation like these, with a bit of carefulness. So, always backup.

It was a bit long lecture I think. Not to worry lets come back to the issue. We will talk about the Error -43 in this discussion.

I have a habit of working for long hours on my Mac and in between I take coffee breaks. Same thing happens this time too. I was working on my Mac on the office document, I saved the data, and went for a cup of coffee after putting the system on sleep mode.

When I came back Whoops! Error message while I was trying to access that particular document. I got the message that the data is there inside the folder, but I was not able to access it. As always happens I forgot to take the back up the files created. I was a bit worried about the data in the folder, I needed that data badly. One of my friend suggested me that a mac data recovery software can be the only solution.

I wanted to find the reason behind the Error

Error: "- 43 error (File not found, Folder not found) "

What I found was this could be probably due to the file that the program is looking for is not on the desired location. This is the common reason of error with the Claris XTND system. Another reason could be because of the translator, as the translator could not be found.

When I got to know what exactly the problem is then I wanted to resolve it as soon as possible.
I trashed the XTND translator which was there in the preferences folder inside the System Folder and restarted the system. I made sure that the XTND System document and the Translators folder were in the folder named Claris.

It solved my problem, I was now able to access the document, phew! I was so re-leaved.

This might not work in all the cases or for everyone, if in case this doesn't work you need to take help from the professionals, means a data recovery mac can be the only solution as far as my research says. Would really like to know if in case you find a better or other solution to it

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